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Prologo: Calgary (Cronometro) | Cicloweb

Il Portale del Ciclismo professionistico


Starting list

Garmin - Sharp

1 - Thomas Danielson
2 - Caleb Fairly
3 - Phillip Gaimon
4 - Gavin Mannion
5 - Ramunas Navardauskas
6 - Benjamin King [Usa]
7 - Steele Von Hoff
8 - Fabian Wegmann

Belkin Pro Cycling Team

11 - Theo Bos
12 - Jonathan Hivert
13 - Dennis Van Winden
14 - Steven Kruijswijk
15 - Tom Leezer
16 - David Tanner
17 - Sep Vanmarcke
18 - Nicky Van Der Lijke

Team Giant - Shimano

21 - Tom Dumoulin
22 - Jonas Ahlstrand
23 - Steven Lammertink
24 - Simon Geschke
25 - Thierry Hupond
26 - Daan Olivier
27 - Thomas Peterson
28 - Georg Preidler

Orica - GreenEDGE

31 - Matthew Harley Goss
32 - Mathew Hayman
33 - Leigh Howard
34 - Aidis Kruopis
35 - Christian Meier
36 - Daryl Impey
37 - Pieter Weening
38 - Simon Yates

Cannondale Pro Cycling Team

41 - Cameron Wurf
42 - Davide Formolo
43 - Edward King
44 - Matej Mohoric
45 - Cristiano Salerno
46 - Davide Villella

Unitedhealthcare Pro Cycling Team

51 - Kiel Reijnen
52 - Alessandro Bazzana
53 - Jonathan Clarke
54 - Marc De Maar
55 - Robert Förster
56 - Davide Frattini
57 - Christopher Jones
58 - Daniel Summerhill

Optum presented by Kelly Benefit Strategies

61 - Ryan Anderson
62 - Alex Candelario
63 - Charles Bradley Huff
64 - Will Routley
65 - Thomas Soladay
66 - Eric Young
67 - Tom Zirbel
68 - Scott Zwizanski

Jelly Belly presented by Maxxis

71 - Serghei Tvetcov
72 - Ian Burnett
73 - Kirk Carlsen
74 - Steve Fisher
75 - Nic Hamilton
76 - Sean Mazich
77 - Jacob Rathe
78 - Fred Rodriguez

5-Hour Energy

81 - Bruno Langlois
82 - Sam Bassetti
83 - Chad Beyer
84 - Taylor Sheldon
85 - James Stemper
86 - Robert Sweeting
87 - David Williams
88 - Michael Woods

Silber Pro Cycling Team

91 - Aurélien Passeron
92 - Matteo Dal-Cin
93 - Nigel Ellsay
94 - William Goodfellow
95 - Jean-Michel Lachance
96 - Robert Ralph
97 - Ryan Roth
98 - Derrick St-John

Hincapie Sportswear Development Team

101 - Joey Rosskopf
102 - Robin Carpenter
103 - Oscar Clark
104 - Joseph Lewis
105 - Tyler Magner
106 - Dion Smith
107 - Joseph Schmalz
108 - Toms Skujins

Team Smartstop

111 - Rob Britton
112 - Zachary Bell
113 - Kristofer Dahl
114 - Shane Kline
115 - Jure Kocjan
116 - Travis Livermon
117 - Eric Marcotte
118 - Travis McCabe

Bissell Cycling Team

121 - Tanner Putt
122 - Nicolai Brøchner
123 - Gregory Daniel
124 - Daniel Eaton
125 - James Oram
126 - Logan Owen
127 - Nathan Van Hooydonck
128 - Ruben Zepuntke

Nazionale Canada

131 - Hugo Houle
132 - Cody Canning
133 - Jordan Cheyne
134 - Adam De Vos
135 - Garrett McLeod
136 - Jean-Sebastien Perron
137 - Benjamin Perry
138 - Stuart Wight

Garneau - Québecor

141 - Pierrick Naud
142 - Jacob Kauffmann
143 - Adam Farabaugh
144 - Benjamin Chaddock
145 - Janvier Hadi
146 - Geoffroy Dussault
147 - Simon-Pierre Gauthier
148 - Julien Gagne


Piazzamenti Classifica Generale

Posizioneordina iconeCiclistaDistaccoPaeseSquadra
1Tom Dumoulinin 5'59"OlandaTeam Giant - Shimano
2Serghei Tvetcova 14"MoldovaJelly Belly presented by Maxxis
3Thomas Danielsona 17"UsaGarmin - Sharp
4Davide Villellaa 18"ItaliaCannondale Pro Cycling Team
5Daniel Summerhilla 18"UsaUnitedhealthcare Pro Cycling Team
6Phillip Gaimona 19"UsaGarmin - Sharp
7Joey Rosskopfa 22"UsaHincapie Sportswear Development Team
8Zachary Bella 22"CanadaTeam Smartstop
9Christian Meiera 23"CanadaOrica - GreenEDGE
10Ryan Rotha 23"CanadaSilber Pro Cycling Team
11Daryl Impeya 23"SudafricaOrica - GreenEDGE
12Simon Geschkea 23"GermaniaTeam Giant - Shimano
13James Orama 23"Nuova ZelandaBissell Cycling Team
14Ruben Zepuntkea 23"GermaniaBissell Cycling Team
15Ryan Andersona 23"CanadaOptum presented by Kelly Benefit Strategies
16Rob Brittona 24"CanadaTeam Smartstop
17Pieter Weeninga 26"OlandaOrica - GreenEDGE
18Daan Oliviera 26"OlandaTeam Giant - Shimano
19Kiel Reijnena 26"UsaUnitedhealthcare Pro Cycling Team
20Benjamin King [Usa]a 26"UsaGarmin - Sharp
21Michael Woodsa 28"CanadaAmore & Vita - Selle SMP
22Leigh Howarda 30"AustraliaOrica - GreenEDGE
23Steven Kruijswijka 31"OlandaBelkin Pro Cycling Team
24Dion Smitha 32"Nuova ZelandaHincapie Sportswear Development Team
25Jonathan Hiverta 33"FranciaBelkin Pro Cycling Team
26David Tannera 33"AustraliaBelkin Pro Cycling Team
27Bruno Langloisa 33"Canada5-Hour Energy
28Joseph Lewisa 33"AustraliaHincapie Sportswear Development Team
29Jordan Cheynea 34"Canada
30Simon Yatesa 34"Gran BretagnaOrica - GreenEDGE


Piazzamenti Classifica di Tappa

Posizioneordina iconeCiclistaDistaccoPaeseSquadra
1Tom Dumoulinin 5'59"OlandaTeam Giant - Shimano
2Serghei Tvetcova 14"MoldovaJelly Belly presented by Maxxis
3Thomas Danielsona 17"UsaGarmin - Sharp
4Davide Villellaa 18"ItaliaCannondale Pro Cycling Team
5Daniel Summerhilla 18"UsaUnitedhealthcare Pro Cycling Team
6Phillip Gaimona 19"UsaGarmin - Sharp
7Joey Rosskopfa 22"UsaHincapie Sportswear Development Team
8Zachary Bella 22"CanadaTeam Smartstop
9Christian Meiera 23"CanadaOrica - GreenEDGE
10Ryan Rotha 23"CanadaSilber Pro Cycling Team
11Daryl Impeya 23"SudafricaOrica - GreenEDGE
12Simon Geschkea 23"GermaniaTeam Giant - Shimano
13James Orama 23"Nuova ZelandaBissell Cycling Team
14Ruben Zepuntkea 23"GermaniaBissell Cycling Team
15Ryan Andersona 23"CanadaOptum presented by Kelly Benefit Strategies
16Rob Brittona 24"CanadaTeam Smartstop
17Pieter Weeninga 26"OlandaOrica - GreenEDGE
18Daan Oliviera 26"OlandaTeam Giant - Shimano
19Kiel Reijnena 26"UsaUnitedhealthcare Pro Cycling Team
20Benjamin King [Usa]a 26"UsaGarmin - Sharp
21Michael Woodsa 28"CanadaAmore & Vita - Selle SMP
22Leigh Howarda 30"AustraliaOrica - GreenEDGE
23Steven Kruijswijka 31"OlandaBelkin Pro Cycling Team
24Dion Smitha 32"Nuova ZelandaHincapie Sportswear Development Team
25Jonathan Hiverta 33"FranciaBelkin Pro Cycling Team
26David Tannera 33"AustraliaBelkin Pro Cycling Team
27Bruno Langloisa 33"Canada5-Hour Energy
28Joseph Lewisa 33"AustraliaHincapie Sportswear Development Team
29Jordan Cheynea 34"Canada
30Simon Yatesa 34"Gran BretagnaOrica - GreenEDGE

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